Venerable Master in the pulpit and all of you my dear brothers,
We are happy for this new outfit
To be able to celebrate, with sincere fervor
This customary feast of ebb and flow.
On this twenty-fourth day of this month of June,
We will be assembled to celebrate together
Like our brothers before us, a saint who looks like us,
Which impregnates our wool like grease!
If we are reunited, the living and the spirit,
In this familiar place, with banal feasts,
Isn't it above all, to try the bet
To honor this solstice feast in front of everyone.
These are not meaningless words
Which could be stated without the slightest decency
For the Word in the lodge is not just an opinion,
Discarded over time as an impression.
Generating force of Fire by the Word kindled,
Behold the heirs of an affirmed greatness
Honor this chain that binds us to the past,
Celebrating our values, strengthening the site!
By all of you, beloved Brothers, for this day at table
Here and elsewhere, but always together,
May the light erase the shadows that threaten
Let peace spread for tenacious happiness.
Often, by our thoughts, we seek the way
Which could lead us to Brotherhood!
There were many expectations where we reached out!
Many were the sterile dead ends in freedom!
And the earth constantly imposed its constraints.
Enduring hardships, you had to accept!
Who of us has not had in those moments of fear
The confused feeling of uselessness?
Yesterday we were alone waiting for the wind
In an affectionate breath transmits the word to us,
Sweep away the avatars, keep us away from the fools,
Light up the coldness, announce the new year!
On the way and in the wind, very gently,
The mists released, our senses solicited,
The temple appeared to us and we were happy
Now you know who to work with!
Here we are reunited, out of time, very present!
Heirs of our brothers, we have remained faithful
At that time of mysteries when salt was thrown,
In this bliss unknown to peasants.
In this immense happiness like no other
Our thoughts wander, a companion awakens us
Cuddled and captivating looks,
Hand pressure while panting
Sea chilli with a slow kiss!
Brothers, Children of Light, here we are today,
Present in the universe where men are agitated,
Convinced despite everything that a new order exists
Who will see us tomorrow give meaning to life!
In this perverse world where men tear each other apart
Let us understand that they are mad, intoxicated with distress
By letting oneself slide into the spiral of the worst,
Not knowing what to do to overcome their weaknesses.
Fear reigns in this world in defiance of the human,
Obscene flower of a land delivered to ignorance,
Blind and lawless fear, breeder of violence,
Abject fear, midwife of an unhealthy universe.
In this lawless world, we are fighters,
Without weapons and without violence, respecting the law,
To ward off fear and restore meaning
To all those who have lost their faith!
E educated and trained not to be afraid,
We were initiated to lead destiny,
Of all these human beings, far from Happiness,
And generate in them the desire to be mutineers!
By the porch crossed in this place gathered,
Far from the fears of the profane we are ready to live again
The immutable ritual of all initiates
Companions on the path and bearers of the Book!
The sun has set on such a short day.
Without giving in to rest, we draw from among ourselves
The energy we need to know, above all,
Faithful to our quest, do not change your attire.
Without forgetting, we respected
The duty to see us, around the blazing fire,
Willing to find this momentum among us
Necessary and vital to pacified minds!
From all continents and all orients,
In this month of December, when nature calls
The decline of life in conscious rest,
Freemasons rise and join the ritual!
Faithful to our ancestors, we are united
In Peace and Love, to honor this day,
Glory of the Grand Orient, Hope Revived
Who will see our words heard from the most deaf!
This is not a party where attendees
Let go of their more or less delusional instincts
Dominate their minds and go beyond the forbidden
Thinking that tomorrow will be another life!
It's not a party for all those idolaters
Intoxicated by rumours, succumbing to fumes,
Which hide the miseries and their indignity
By believing that life is nothing but a theater!
Death is behind us, we have passed it!
Hope is in us, we must celebrate it!
Those who initiated also hope in us
Realize this dream a thousand times discarded!
Erase the sadness of the children of Bombay,
Dry the sad tears that water the skies,
Save unjustly violated dignity!
Keep away the carrion that offends the Gods!
This call for more humanity,
A hidden emotion that we dare to reveal,
Her name is Hope, and she shines in the evening
A thousand bright lights that only we can see!
Our health is a wish, addressed to all those
Which we freely chose
To lead the herd of rebel initiates
So that they may make the faithful word heard!
Our health is nothing to praise,
To all those who claim to support our words
For we also know the fate of idols
Who dared to profane the wisdom of heaven.
Our health is balm to erase wounds
To calm the suffering that plagues our lives
To strengthen the bonds necessary for Peace
To relieve sadness and restore desire.
Music and words will be the first beats
Then the flesh and the powder will boost the energy,
And our united cries will launch to the stars
The accents of a call for more truth.
I dream of a party that is more than today
A celebration extended to all initiates
Who carves their mark over the year
Which affirms our incredible hope in the world.
May this holiday remind us of unceasing work
That we must dedicate to the happiness of children
Wonderful Innocents and Bringers of Light
Incredulous sacrificed by the bullets of the perverts.
Let this party exaggerate our endless appetite
For fraternity, the cement of our bonds,
The energy of our lives, the essential spring,
Which still allows us to live among the dead!
After such a long day, full of energy,
Without a doubt, let's continue this marvelous project.
Faithful to our quest, let's invent harmony,
Let us affirm, loud and clear, a radiant renewal!
Excerpt from the collection of poems "Masonic Emotions" - Editions Edilivre 2021